SINGAPORE – Cast in bronze and brass, the Victorian electric fan stands at just half the height of its contemporary pedestal counterparts.
It is undeniably beautiful, but a step around its back reveals details that make this fan even more fascinating.
The part that holds its motor is shaped like an upright light bulb. Attached to it is what looks like a miniature ship’s steering wheel, complete with replicas of electric wires and a flick switch. The tiny handles of the “wheel” are actually miniature light bulbs that can be tightened or loosened by hand, like thumbscrews.
Below them are three deep-maroon, grape-like light bulbs, each labelled 4cp15v – or four candlepower, 15 volts – a clue that they come from a time when electricity was still a novelty. Candlepower, once a measure of brightness, was replaced by candela in 1948 and today, the standard voltage in many countries is between 220V and 240V.
The back of the Victorian electric fan is what looks like a miniature ship’s steering wheel, with replicas of electric wires and a flick switch.ST PHOTO: SHINTARO TAY
At the heart of these intricate details is the engraving of a young man, believed to be Thomas Edison, the legendary American inventor of the modern light bulb. An accompanying inscription reads: “Presented to Thomas Alva Edison by the designer Joseph Lee, with the compliments of the New York Edison Co.”
For the past 26 years, this fascinating artefact has been in the possession of Singaporean antique collector and dealer Toh Chee Keong, better known as CK. The 60-year-old constantly faces the same two questions: Is the fan genuine? Did it really belong to Edison?
Miniature light bulbs can be found at the back and base of the fan. All of them can be tightened or loosened by hand, like thumb screws.ST PHOTO: SHINTARO TAY
Relic or replica?
CK acquired the fan in 1999 for US$37,500 (S$50,130) from a mysterious US antique enthusiast known only as James.
Sceptics argued that the fan – measuring about 70cm tall and 38cm wide – could be a replica. They pointed to a nearly identical piece at the Antique Fan Museum in Indiana, US, which has no engraving and inscription.
In January 2024, photographs of this identical fan were published in US newspaper Indianapolis Star. The caption described it as “one of two presented to inventor Thomas Edison”, acknowledging the existence of a twin, although it is unclear if the publication was referring to the fan in CK’s possession.
CK is aware of the duplicate fan, but believes it is a regular model, unlike his custom-built piece. In fact, he claims an overseas antique dealer offered him US$250,000 for the fan in the early 2000s. To demonstrate his sincerity, the dealer invited CK to discuss the offer over drinks at Raffles Hotel, but CK politely declined.
“I believe every collector has their dream piece. This is my dream piece,” says CK, whom regular clients regard as one of the most knowledgeable dealers in town.
Three deep-maroon, grape-like light bulbs, each labelled with 4cp15v, could be found in the middle of the fan. ST PHOTO: SHINTARO TAY
The owner of what is probably the largest collection of antique fans and Victorian lamps in Singapore, CK has a warehouse near MacPherson Road that is stacked with these treasures, alongside antique bicycles – his latest obsession.
Though he has lost count of his collection, its crown jewel is this fan with the Edison engraving.
His conviction in its authenticity deepened during its restoration, when he discovered its aged, brittle wires – hidden inside a narrow spine connected to the base of the fan. To him, such delicate, inaccessible wiring could only have been threaded through the fan’s structure during its construction, not added afterwards.
Further validation came from an unexpected source: A visiting American, who had studied antique printing presses, chanced upon CK’s former shophouse in Little India more than 15 years ago.
The moment he saw the fan, he immediately recognised the dented lines beneath the inscription, a tell-tale sign of 19th century craftsmanship.
Such detail, the man explained, is nearly impossible to replicate with modern techniques, unless one has access to the original letterpress machine, which, in itself, would be another valuable antique.
The inscription on the fan reads: “Presented to Thomas Alva Edison by the designer Joseph Lee, with the compliments of the New York Edison Co.”PHOTO: COURTESY OF TOH CHEE KEONG
CK speculates that the fan was made between 1885 and 1890, during the “War of the Currents”. It was a fierce battle between Edison and another prolific inventor, George Westinghouse, over which electrical system – direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) – would power the US.
In his view, the fan is considered a product of cutting-edge technology for its time. Even today, it is rare to find a standing fan with built-in lighting.
One man’s blessing, another’s burden
The acquisition of the fan has been an immense source of pride and publicity for CK, with many people turning up at his former shophouse to see it. The fan and the shophouse were even featured in the 2002 edition of the Singapore Tourism Board’s brochure. He still keeps a copy and proudly brings it up whenever the fan comes into conversations.
The 2002 edition of the Singapore Tourism Board’s brochure features CK’s former shophouse in Little India and the Edison fan. PHOTO: COURTESY OF MR TOH CHEE KEONG
For its previous owner, however, the fan was more of a burden than a blessing.
James told CK that after he acquired the fan from an old collector in 1978, he was bombarded with inquiries from fellow collectors, with many showing up unannounced at his home.
One particularly dramatic incident involved a rival collector named Jerry, whose jealousy over James’ prized possession turned obsessive. His continual intrusion escalated to the point where James had to secure a restraining order, keeping Jerry at least 5km away.
Determined to get rid of the fan and the troubles, James went to great lengths to attract buyers. He offered a six-month instalment plan when he put the fan up for auction on e-commerce platform eBay in March 1999, hoping to make the asking price of US$40,000 more accessible.
By then, CK was a seasoned collector of antique fans and lights – which he regarded as a perfect combo – and often travelled to the US for antique fan collector fairs and events. Like many others, he was captivated by the Edison fan.
“I could not sleep after seeing it on eBay,” he confessed. “I was so crazy about fans and this was such an important piece. I told myself I must take part in the auction, even if I did not win.”
The fan has an engraving of a young man, believed to be Thomas Edison, the late American inventor of modern light bulb.ST PHOTO: SHINTARO TAY
With little experience in online bidding and only an e-mail account on Yahoo set up by his younger brother, then studying in the US, CK was unsure how to proceed. He decided to get help from his friend Don Taussig, the owner of Sanders Antiques of Sarasota in Florida.
Mr Taussig baulked at the request and warned CK that the fan could fetch as much as US$100,000. Meanwhile, another US collector also expressed great interest and planned to pool funds with four others to secure the purchase, making CK’s chances of winning the auction even slimmer.
Despite the competition, CK emerged as the highest bidder at US$35,000, beating 25 others. He got the first opportunity to negotiate a deal with James after the auction. With Mr Taussig acting as an intermediary, he eventually bought the fan for US$37,500.
During the restoration of the fan, CK discovered its aged, brittle wires – cracked and hidden inside a narrow spine connected to the base. ST PHOTO: SHINTARO TAY
In an interview with Sarasota Herald Tribune, Mr Taussig remarked that he was “99.9 per cent sure” it was the most expensive electric fan ever sold in the history of fan collecting. The newspaper also described CK as “rich” because he paid close to $80,000 for the fan, its insurance and international shipping.
“I could probably only afford one-third of what I paid if not for the financial help I received from friends,” CK said, admitting that luck played a huge role in his ownership.
“There were so many things in the way – the cost and the fact that I was a foreigner. My friends were reluctant to help at first, but somehow, they came around. It meant a lot to me.”
The hunt for answers
Although CK is still using the same Yahoo account, he can no longer find his correspondence with James. The seller’s phone number and address – the only means of contact – were also lost.
CK does not even know his last name, as the latter had been an anonymous seller at the auction. It was as if James had vanished after parting with the fan, just as he said he would.
CK’s friend, Mr Don Taussig (the man in photo), did an interview with Sarasota Herald Tribune in July 1999 to talk about the auction.PHOTO: COURTESY OF MR TOH CHEE KEONG
The intrigue deepened when Mr Taussig died in 2023 and his antique shop was closed down.
Rumours suggested the fan had gone to its first owner, a US collector, through the back door of the Henry Ford Museum, home to the Edison Institute. However, the museum did not respond to requests for comment from The Straits Times. Attempts to reach out to four other Edison-related museums and institutions also drew blanks.
There are also no records of the manufacturer – Bayley-Lee Electric Co, as carved on the blade holder – apart from a single mention in a 1906 Brooklyn Citizen article announcing its incorporation.
Just when all seemed lost, archivist Leonard DeGraaf from the Thomas Edison National Historical Park in New Jersey responded to ST’s e-mail on Feb 25.
He shed light on the fan’s designer, Mr Joseph Lee. According to an obituary that Mr DeGraaf shared with ST, Mr Lee had worked in three Edison-affiliated electric companies until his retirement in 1928. He was also a member of the Edison Pioneers, a fraternal organisation of employees linked to Edison’s electric lighting business.
Mr DeGraaf said Edison cut ties with the electric light and power industry in 1892, when several of his companies merged to form General Electric, which has grown into a multinational conglomerate today. CK’s fan might have been created around 1892 to mark Edison’s departure, but for now, there is no concrete evidence to support this theory.
Like many others, CK was captivated by the Edison fan. He said he could not sleep after seeing it on eBay. He told himself he must bid for it.ST PHOTO: SHINTARO TAY
The fan’s inscription may, however, provide a clue to its origin. It references the New York Edison Co, which was formed in 1901 when gas company Consolidated Gas acquired the Edison Illuminating Company. It is possible that CK’s fan was made in 1901 or shortly after to commemorate this merger, but again, there is no proof to confirm this.
Mr DeGraaf explained that many of the Thomas Edison National Historical Park’s archival materials are not indexed, meaning a relevant record about the fan could exist. However, it is hard to locate because of limited staff and resources.
Mr Dillon Liskai, head researcher of the Thomas Edison Birthplace Museum, also speculated that CK’s fan likely dates to before the 1920s as the engraving of Edison depicted him as a young man. He noted that many of the engravings done after 1920 portrayed Edison as elderly.
Like others, Mr Liskai does not have evidence to confirm the fan’s authenticity. He told ST that Edison received many gifts throughout his life due to his fame, but being famously absent-minded, he might have forgotten about what these items were.
CK says he is ready to part with the Edison fan, which has been his prized possession for the past 26 years. ST PHOTO: SHINTARO TAY
Seeking new owner
Although there is still no definitive evidence of the authenticity of his fan, CK is happy with the clearer clues on when and why the fan was made. He said crafting a fan with such details would require careful planning and precision, which aligns with an early 1900s timeframe.
CK – who hopes to sell the fan for $380,000 – has been trying to find a buyer since last year. He settled on the figure because of the US$250,000 offer from the foreign dealer in the early 2000s.
Having devoted most of his adult life to antiques, he hopes that the sale of this fan will finally allow him to spend more quality time with his family, especially his eight-year-old daughter, his wife, who works in the beauty industry, and his mother, who is in her 80s.
“Nothing lasts forever. We are all temporary. If you think passing down a treasure like this will keep it safe, it doesn’t, because the moment someone decides to sell it, they will,” CK said.
Apart from museums and private collections, he believes the fan would be a fitting addition to an electrical appliance company or, ideally, a light bulb manufacturer.
“In many parts of the world, if you ask someone to name the greatest inventor, chances are they will say ‘Thomas Edison’. Why? Nobody can ever offer a good explanation,” said CK.
“The same for this fan. Wherever it goes, it is bound to get people talking and wondering. Why? We don’t know. What we know is how much curiosity and debates it has sparked over the years.”
- Hazel Tang is a features correspondent at The Straits Times. Before journalism, she worked in a cognitive science lab, where she honed her analytical skills and curiosity about people and their stories.
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