Get the new Straits Times Telegram bot and stay on top of what everyone’s reading

SINGAPORE – On top of The Straits Times’ Telegram channel, you can now turn to a new bot on the chat app to get news that is popular with other readers.

Newsie, ST’s Telegram bot, will send you the five most-read articles on your choice of topics, such as local, lifestyle, international or sports news.

Newsie curates these articles based on the number of times they have been viewed on The Straits Times’ website. This means subscribers will receive news updates that are popular among other readers. 

This is how you can use the bot:

  • Download the Telegram mobile app if you do not already have it installed.
  • Go to the link to add Newsie to your chat list.
  • Tap “Start”, then select the section that you would like Newsie to send you the five most-read articles from.
  • Type /section to return to the selection menu, and you can choose another section to read other articles. 
  • There is no subscription fee for the bot.

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