K-pop Idol Repeatedly Reminds Fans To “Take A Shower” After Attending Their Concert

Mandilah Singapura? Seems like the great shower debate isn’t confined just to Singapore.

K-pop group NCT 127’s Doyoung has gone viral for repeatedly reminding fans to take a shower after attending their concert. This interesting exchange took place in Newark, New Jersey where NCT 127 was on their Neo City – The Momentum tour. 

In the clips shared online, Doyoung was seen telling fans towards the end of the show: “When you guys arrive home, drink a lot of water [and] take a shower please.”

His fellow members agreed with him, echoing “That’s right!” in the background. Just in case the fans didn’t hear him the first time, he emphasised his point with a chuckle: “Promise. Take a shower please.”

The rest of the group laughed off Doyoung’s random request, and while many were tickled by it, others said it shone a light on fans’ personal hygiene when attending concerts. 

In fact, his request made some wonder if the audience “stank so badly” that he could smell the stench from the stage.

“Having to gentle parent your fans to wash their a**** is crazy,” laughed one netizen. Another wrote: “Normalise showering and using deodorant when going to concerts!”

As lighthearted as his request might have been, Doyoung also sparked a discussion on concert culture, where fans usually camp outside the venue for hours prior to the show to ensure they get the best spots in the standing pens. One can imagine the crowd wouldn’t smell too great after waiting for hours outdoors, especially if the weather is hot or humid. 

Some netizens felt it was “embarrassing” for fans to be called out for their personal hygiene in such a manner. Others also believe the camping culture “has to stop”, for the sake of other fans and idols. 

Doyoung has also been praised for his candour. “I’m glad he spoke up, I’ve left some concerts actively gagging,” shared a netizen. 

Anyone else with a stinky concert experience to share?

Photos: nikivern/ TikTok

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