More students will be allowed to take up Higher Mother Tongue in secondary 1 from 2026

SINGAPORE: Students who do well in their Mother Tongue Language at the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) will be given the chance to study Higher Mother Tongue at Secondary 1 from 2026, regardless of their PSLE overall score.

Currently, students must obtain either a PSLE overall score of 8 or better. They also qualify if they get an overall score of 9 to 14 with a Mother Tongue (MTL) score of AL1/AL2 or at least a merit in Higher Mother Tongue (HMTL).

But from 2026, they can take up Higher Mother Tongue as a subject in secondary school as long as they obtain AL1/AL2 in their Mother Tongue at the PSLE, or a distinction or merit in Higher Mother Tongue, said Minister for Education Chan Chun Sing on Saturday (Sep 14).

“All of us have different strengths and talents. Some students may be strong in languages but not in other subjects,” he said.

“We will support more of these students to take Higher Mother Tongue, so they can learn their MTL to as high a level as possible.”

Mr Chan was speaking at the Mother Tongue Languages Symposium 2024, where he announced several initiatives to uphold bilingualism in the education system and to help students learn and use their mother tongue as a living language.

“As a nation comprising various ethnic and language communities, bilingualism is a cornerstone of our education system and continues to stand as a fundamental pillar of our national identity,” he said.

“Upholding bilingualism will strengthen our social fabric.”

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