Pangdemonium’s Adrian Pang on being a Grinch who loves Christmas

Pang grew up in a family who enjoyed big Christmas celebrations with Christian practices. “But as the years have gone by, it’s become more of a psychological, emotional thing rather than anything else and it’s really all about family,” he said. 

With Zack and Xander currently living in the United Kingdom, Christmas has become even more important in the Pang household.

“Now that they’re busy individuals and we are too, having that distance often doesn’t lend itself easily to getting together. But making the effort makes the occasion much more special.” For the past few years, the family has celebrated the occasion both in the United Kingdom and in Singapore.

A couple of years ago, they spent it at an Airbnb in London with conventional trimmings such as a fireplace and Christmas tree. “There is something about spending the occasion in a place where it’s nice and chilly. It lends itself to the whole vibe,” Pang reminisced. 

Christmas isn’t complete without a feast and this Grinch enjoys a hearty Christmas feasting. “I love roast dinners. Not crazy about turkey though. So, on the odd occasion when we decide to buck tradition and have roast beef instead, I’m a very happy grinch. Plus, lots of red wine. And then napping in front of the TV.”

His most memorable Christmas? “I do recall one occasion when the boys were very young. There was video evidence of this. Zack was unwrapping a present and Xander went straight for it as well. From “Oh wow, thank you, Daddy”, it quickly escalated to a fight and the video ends with me saying, “Alright, that’s enough!” From being all cuddly and Christmassy, it went into a whole other genre”, he recalls with a laugh.  

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