Review: I Tried Out A Sunrise Alarm Clock To Find Out If It’ll Help Me Sleep Better. Here Are The Results

What the heck is a sunrise alarm clock and what does it do? 

Before explaining the product, I will need to delve into the importance of sunlight in your sleep cycle. Basically, sunlight is the grand orchestrator of our circadian rhythm, the internal biological clock that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. 

It begins with the morning sun when its gentle rays signal our bodies to awaken. Exposure to natural light prompts the suppression of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and stimulates the production of serotonin, promoting alertness and a sense of well-being. 

As the day progresses, sunlight maintains our circadian tempo, influencing cognitive functions, mood, and energy levels. The gradual descent into evening triggers a shift in the spectrum of light, signaling to our bodies that it’s time to wind down which is why you get sleepier as the day progresses. This natural ballet of light and dark not only governs our daily patterns but also plays a crucial role in overall health, influencing everything from metabolism to mental well-being.

Ideally, it would be nice to sleep somewhere where you can beautiful morning light pouring into your room but let’s be real – living in Singapore means some high-rise building is probably blocking any direct sunlight or that you chose to install black-out blinds. 

Enter the sunrise alarm clock. The thing it does that sets it apart from the traditional alarm clock is to simulate the natural progression of sunlight. It’s useful to those who are seeking a more gentle and natural start to each day, instead of being jolted awake by a blaring alarm.

First impressions

Sunrise alarm clocks come in many different shapes and sizes but the one I purchased looks like a regular digital alarm clock with a ring light attached to it. It’s also bigger than most bedside alarm clocks but the interface is sleek and simple looking because most of the work is done via an app anyway.

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