Singapore dancer with Down syndrome: June Lin performs and teaches under dance company Apsara Asia

For Lin, her passion for dance began with a supportive “village”. Her parents, Jean Wang and Lim Joe Ann, supported her endeavours from an early age. Even though they were told that children with Down syndrome would be limited in many ways, they backed their daughter wholeheartedly in her interests and hobbies, from dance to arts and crafts.

When she performs at Apsara Asia events, her parents, older brother and his wife, are there to cheer her on. And their family group chat on WhatsApp is filled with videos of Lin dancing on stage. 

Dancing aside, her other love is bowling, which she started in her early twenties. She would take part in bowling meets organised by the Down Syndrome Association (Singapore) and her skills developed to the point where she represented Singapore in the 2015 Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles, United States. There, she won a silver medal in bowling.

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