20 months’ jail for Malaysian who helped murderer flee Singapore

SINGAPORE: An unemployed Malaysian man was sentenced to 20 months’ jail on Wednesday (Aug 10) for helping “One-eyed Dragon” Tan Chor Jin flee Singapore after he murdered a man in 2006.

Ho Yueh Keong, 43, drove Tan across the border to Malaysia at about 8am on Feb 15, 2006, shortly after Tan had robbed and murdered nightclub owner Lim Hock Soon around 7am.

Mr Lim, 41, was gunned down in his Serangoon Avenue 4 flat.

Ho “not only took the life of (Mr Lim), … (he) also endangered the lives of (Mr Lim’s) family, as they were tied up in another room at the time of the shooting,” prosecutors said on Wednesday.

Read more… @  Channel NewsAsia

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